Tuesday, May 21, 2002

I don't really have anything useful to post about today, just a vague notion that I ought to put something here... :)

Even though my stories have gone to the back burner, there's a million little things piling up that I ought to do something about... general work on stuff for Fury of the Forsaken never hurt anyone (and there's always something more to do there!), I'm trying to index some of the important stuff from the Werewolf books I own (which is for Fury and for myself), I really want to see a timeline of the last couple of years in the World of Darkness (and if no one else does it, I'm likely to start working on that), and I've started trying to work more on my family's genealogy... the nice part about the last of those is that I actually feel like I'm getting somewhere with my mom's side of the family! Now if I could just get the last couple of things on my dad's side worked out, and get ANYWHERE on Nathaniel's (my brother in law's) family, I'd be so happy!

So that's about it, in a nutshell... work today is creeping by, and I'm not looking forward to the next project that I should start in on... it's probably going to occupy all of my time for the rest of today and tomorrow, if not beyond. *grumble* Is it so wrong to like a little bit of diversity in your daily work?

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