Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Back in the theme of last week...

Things that are cool:

  • Civilization. As in the original computer game... the one that has to run in DOS... old school as you can get, but it's so much fun! :)
  • The fact that it is no longer 84 degrees in my office
  • Wearing my pointy toed boots, and having them actually keep my feet warm on the walk to work!

Things that are not cool:

  • The black sooty looking stuff that is coming out of the vent in my office... YUCK!
  • The cold outside, and the likelihood of more snow soon
  • The fact that I just gave myself a headache trying to blow the sooty stuff off of some of my desk and bookshelf... *sigh*...

And in other news, no, we haven't watched many movies lately... "Snatch" has been in the DVD player since Saturday, but I've only watched bits and pieces of it this time around... I've seen it two or three times, so that's alright...

Question for the comments: can you think of ANY movies that Johnny Depp is in that aren't any good? So far, we have only come up with "Crybaby," which I haven't seen...

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