Friday, August 30, 2002

1. What's your favorite piece of clothing that you currently own? I have a lot of favorites, really. I guess it would have to be my really long, really comfy jean shorts tho. The ones that used to be my favorite jeans, until they developed a large hole in one knee, and I had to cut them off.

2. What piece of clothing do you most want to acquire? I really want the Hello Cthulhu baby tee... :)

3. What piece of clothing can you not bring yourself to get rid of? Why? My totally faded and beat up Batman shirt, that I bought when the first Batman movie came out (around 1991, I think)... the fabric on it is sooooo soft now, even though the Batman logo is all cracked and peeling.

4. What piece of clothing do you look your best in? My black satiny pants that look like a skirt. I think Dana said they were made of acetate (or something like it) the last time she saw them. Doesn't matter what I put with them, they always look good, and make me feel good about how I look... :)

5. What has been your biggest fashion accident? Wow, where to begin? Let's just say that I lived through the '80s, was old enough to make some of my own fashion decisions, and regret them. Jams (the sorta longish Hawaiian printed shorts) and "Hammer pants" (c'mon, you have to remember Hammer pants!) come to mind.


End of the Work Week Wisdom:

"Oh god! They're escaping! They're all escaping!"
--... or something along those lines, as the animal cracker avalanche began...

I think I'll be finding animal crackers in my kitchen for a long time to come... :)


In other news, we finished Jack & Jubilee's background last night, at a whopping 21 pages. I think this is the longest background that I've ever written. Yes, I realize that it's a background for two characters, but even if you cut that in half, it's STILL longer than any other backgrounds I've written. Morgan's was only 7 pages! And yes, the background will eventually be posted. But not yet. We want to have SOME secrets when we start playing The American Frontier (which starts next Friday... w00t!)

And the Forgotten is Saturday, and I've heard we're going to have visiting players... not sure whether to be really happy about that, or a bit apprehensive... we shall see! :)

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