Tuesday, September 03, 2002

*sigh*... I forgot my medicine at home today... still trying to decide whether or not it is worth it to run home and get it, or whether I should just skip it for this morning... I'm leaning towards the "skip it" option... probably will be fine if I do that... this is the problem of a three-day-weekend spent (primarily) at home...

The Forgotten was Saturday, as always... didn't go too horribly bad... the Malkavian contingent discovered something not so happy in the basement of Dani's building (the one I've owned since the fall, but was only told about on Saturday night!)... but I haven't decided what to do about that yet... was gonna tell Peaches, but I'm debating whether I actually will or not... there is a tendency that I've noticed that when we tell other people about something we've discovered, it gets poked, prodded, and dead... so maybe we'll keep this one to ourselves... >:) Aside from that, though, lots of fun... like our kewl idea for "lamb mimes"... which may be converted into "lamb mines," if all goes well... :)

Also on Saturday, I volunteered to take care of the webpage for The American Frontier... so there's a page, though it sucks mightily at the moment... :)

Must remember that today is Tuesday... I keep forgetting this fact... *sigh*...

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