Tuesday, December 10, 2002

In my oh-so-random wanderings across the 'net today, I stumbled upon this gem... Doors and Windows... usually, I don't like web comics all that much, but this one is good... reminds me of one of the artists who drew for Sandman for a while, in fact...

Now, here's the weird part... if all goes as planned, I will be playing in the artist's Victorian Age: Vampire game at E-Con this year... as will Gabe and gwarocks...

This is just proof that even on the 'net, it really is a small world... I was reading through a group on livejournal called roleplayers, and I saw a post about whether or not it had worked for people who had found gaming groups through ads at comic shops and such... there were a lot of comments, so I started reading them... saw one on there by a guy talking about how he had run a Sabbat game dealing with the Sermons of Caine... which sounded very familiar to me as a game that I _almost_ played in at E-Con last year... so I pop over to his lj, and he has the same first name as the ST in question... pop over to his webpage, and bingo, it's the ST of that game... who is running the Victorian Age game (other than the one I'm running, which was listed improperly) at E-Con... weird, huh?

Any rate, the comic rocks, and I'm looking forward to the game even more now... I like the feel of the comic, so I'm guessing I'll like the feel of the game, too! :)

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