Friday, May 09, 2003

Friday Five from home! :)

1. Would you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not? Well, I do think I'm pretty organized... but, well, just read the rest of the questions...

2. Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly? Yeah, I have a planner... I'm really good at using it when I'm in school, especially for keeping track of assignments... when I'm not, it just sorta sits around...

3. Would you say that your desk is organized right now? HAH! Not in the slightest! Aside from stuff that would normally be found on desks (pens, computer stuff, a few books), I can currently see a bag of bells, a coupon for Godfathers, my magic 8 ball, lip gloss, and more CDs than you can shake a stick at... and that's just the surface of my multi-level desk... At work, it's more of the same...

4. Do you alphabetize CDs, books, and DVDs, or does it not matter? I used to be very anal about that, as far as CDs and DVDs go... it's a good thing, really, cuz it makes them easier to find... but now, with CDs in 4+ locations in my apartment, it's not as big of a priority... I'm still anal about organizing my White Wolf books though... it's all by WW number... and I can tell when something is out of place... :)

5. What's the hardest thing you've ever had to organize? Dunno... I don't usually see organizing stuff as hard...


And, of course...


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