Thursday, November 20, 2008

Awesome show!

Last night, some of the Ballard area EtsyRain sellers had a small show at Canal Station, where Dale lives. It was a very cool idea to begin with (wine, cheese, and craft sellers), and turned out to be a really awesome show. In fact, it was the most profitable show that I've done since moving to Washington! (And honestly, the only shows I did better at in Illinois were multi-day shows.)

I also got to get Jerome's salsa bowls from Laura, and he loves them. :) She doesn't have any in her shop right now, but keep your eyes open for them. They'd also work great for other dips or small portions of whatever you want to eat in a bowl. :)

The only downside to the show is that I'm low on inventory for a couple of my best selling items, which means I need to buckle down and get some work done. The top priorities are finishing off more soap socks for Anne, and then finishing Peter's Christmas present. Then I get to work on lots of inventory for my next show, which is Punk Rock Flea Market, on December 6th. (Luckily, that show draws inventory from both of my shops, and I always have PLENTY of bottle cap belts. :) )

And then, if I have time, I have more Christmas presents to work on (supplementary, not required), or replenishing my inventory again, before I Heart Rummage on December 21st. My shop is TOTALLY going to be closed either on or right after that day, and will stay closed through New Years. I suspect that between those two shows and online Christmas shopping, it'll be slim pickings until I'm able to crank out more stuff after the holidays. :)

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