Monday, April 05, 2010


We survived the month of too much travelling. Now I'm just staying put until work tells me I'm travelling again... but I think I've got at least 3 weeks at home, for which I am very grateful. :)

I wore my pair of Cthulhu bun covers for a few hours on Friday night, and discovered that as my hair has gotten longer, they're a little snug. So I think I'm going to be creating a slightly larger size for people with longer, thicker hair, like me. So I'll probably be making larger bun covers of all varieties, at least when I get the chance. So much to do, so little time! :)

This week's non-crafting project involves us trying to get a handle on our "office," which would probably be the dining room in most people's houses or apartments. But really, the little space where the computer lives would probably be too small for our dining room table, and the spot in the living room where the dining room table lives probably doesn't have any internet hookups. So we make due with what we've got. :) We're going to try to get the office slightly more functional as an office space, and hopefully open up a bit of closet space for more of my craft stuff. :)

And of course there's also the 8 billion other things that we need to get done. But the only way to tackle it is one at a time. And the office has been bad for too long. :)

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